How to change my alert settings.
Learn how to change the alerts delivery method, how to turn them on and off and discover how to change your alert settings for listings and Saved Searches.

To change how you receive alerts, tap “Settings” at the top right of the Alerts tab. Tap on a delivery method to enable or disable it, then tap “Save” to apply your changes. Note that push notifications are handled by the device itself and may need to be changed in the settings of your phone. For more information, read the “Push notifications” section below.
Recommended configuration
We recommend enabling push notifications and turning off text and email alerts. This will give you the benefit of being notified as quickly as possible to react, for example, to a listing back on the market or an alert for new listings matching a Saved Search.
Never heard of Saved Search before? Learn how to create a Saved Search to be notified of new listings in a specific area.
Push notifications

Allow push notifications
When you open the app for the first time, a green banner at the top of the Alerts tab will prompt you to enable push notifications. Tap “Enable push notifications” and tap “Allow” to confirm.

Enable push notifications
If you already allowed push notifications in the past, but turned them off, tap “Settings” at the top right of the Alerts tab, tap “Push notification” and tap “Settings”. The Settings app of your phone will open and show you the permissions you granted Listed. To access Listed’s push notification settings, tap “Notifications”. Finally, tap the “Allow Notifications” switch to turn them on. Changes will apply automatically.

Disable push notifications
Push notifications are the best way to not miss on time-sensitive alerts; however, you can always turn them off. To stop receiving push notifications, tap “Settings” at the top right of the Alerts tab, uncheck “Push notification” and tap “Settings”. The Settings app of your phone will open and show you the permissions you granted Listed. To access Listed’s push notification settings, tap “Notifications”. Finally, tap the “Allow Notifications” switch to turn them off. Changes will apply automatically.
Filter alerts shown on the alerts screen

Show unread alerts only
At the top of the Alerts tab, tap “Show unread alerts only” to toggle between all alerts and unread alerts.

Show all alerts
If you don’t have unread alerts or would like to see previously read alerts, you can tap “Show unread alerts only” at the top of the Alerts tab to toggle between unread alerts and all alerts.
Change alerts for a listing

You can subscribe to alerts for any listing you see and have access to. On a listing’s detail page, card or row, tap the “Notify” bell icon to subscribe or unsubscribe from alerts.

When the bell icon is filled purple it means that you are subscribed and when the bell icon is outlined, it means you aren’t subscribed to alerts. To toggle between the two states, tap the “Notify” button.
Change alerts for a Saved Search

Alerts can be turned on or tuned off on any of your Saved Searches. To toggle between the two states, tap the “Notify” button. When the bell icon is filled purple it means that you are subscribed and when the bell icon is outlined, it means you aren’t subscribed to alerts. By default, any searches you created and saved will have alerts turned on.
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