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Find listings nearby your current location when using Listed on the web

Tap the blue Location button in the top right portion of the webpage to the left of the search bar

As you walk into a neighbourhood, you see a home for sale sign and would like to know more - simply open Listed and tap the blue location button. Say goodbye to the time-consuming research to get any info on a property. Find listings nearby quickly and without unnecessary steps.
This article is for the web version of Listed. Are you using the mobile application? • Go to the iPhone version of this article Go to the Android version of this article

Step-by-Step Instructions

Looking for a video tutorial? Scroll down or click here.

1. Open Listed website on your browser

Go to
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2. Enter your phone number on the Login screen, then go to the Browse tab

Press ‘Continue’ and enter the code that was sent to you mobile phone. Then you’ll be on the home page.
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3. Tap the ‘Live Location’ button

The Live Location button is on the right side of the search bar at the top of the screen on the map.
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Video Tutorial


  1. Go to
  1. Log in
  1. Enter your phone number (it is your account number)
  1. Enter the SMS text code we sent you
  1. Go to the 'Browse' tab in the top menu navigation
  1. Tap the blue arrow icon for 'Location' beside the search bar
  1. The properties nearest to your current location will appear on the map
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